Friday, April 5, 2019


we do not diagnose illness or prescribe pharmaceuticals. We are nutritional consultants and make suggestions relating to nutrition. None of the information offered here is intended to replace any program that your medical doctor has prescribed for you, nor does it conflict with any pharmaceutical medication you are taking. It is recommended that you take your products at least one hour prior to taking your medication so that the minerals offered can be fully assimilated.

 our products is “natural vegetation cell food” . As a result, when you take them you will have fed your cells and will not have much of an appetite.ABOUT OUR THERAPEUTIC COMPOUNDS
Our Bio-cell food Therapy Program examines and identifies the causes, not merely the symptoms, of disease. Further, we find that the cause of disease is mucus. Disease will manifest in the body where mucus has accumulated. Although the natural vegetation cell food compounds were designed to extract mucus from a given area of the body, it is also necessary for the body to be cleansed as a whole. What makes our compounds unique is the manner in which they work to cleanse and nourish the entire body.

Through this approach, we have been successful in reversing pathologies. Since the herbs used have a natural origin, the compounds are still releasing their cleansing properties 14 days after they are initially taken.

An equally important aspect of our  Bio-cell food Therapy Program is adhering to the nutritional guidelines provided  by WHO. Our herbal compounds working in conjunction with nutritional changes will give the body the proper environment to achieve optimal health.  Additionally, we find that drinking a gallon of natural spring water daily helps to produce the most beneficial results for our  Bio-cell food program.



Based on research from Royal Society of Medicine, it stated that "death begins in the colon". Research shows that 90% of all diseases start in the colon or intestines. In order to have healthy colon or intestines, it is needed to obtain the best ingredients to produce a perfect formula to clean and nourish our colon or intestines. So is the birth of this powerful product.

The Product:

Natures Bio Greens is the result of over 25 years of research to formulate the best balance of cleansing and replenishing for the colon and intestines. It strengthens the connective tissue of the body and provides the optimum fiber requirement as well. The powdered formula is made up of 50% high-grade fiber and 50% nutrient rich greens — consisting of 10 premium ingredients. This unique formula’s ingredients contain essential fatty acids, amino acids, phytonutrients, antioxidants, Vitamin C, and digestive enzymes.

The Process:

The hand-selected raw materials from Japan, Europe, and India are individually brought into the factory and inspected to ensure they are of the highest quality. Each product is carefully weighed to 1/100th of a gram, so that the proprietary blend is exactly the same every time. It is then placed in a special non-heat producing mixer where the contents are evenly blended. After this process is complete, it is sent to the packing machine where it is sealed in single serving size sachets. The final step in the process is inspecting, boxing, and wrapping the sachets.

The Benefits:

Enhances Skin Tone

Improves Movement of Gastrointestinal Track

Relieves Constipation

Increases Lean Mass

Reduces Body Fat

Increases Energy Levels

Promotes Healthy Blood Glucose Levels

Cholesterol Reduction

Assists the Body’s Natural Toxin Removal Process

Increases Alkalinity

Anti-Cancer Properties

Aids Immune System

Beneficial Ingredients:

Tomato Lycopene - Limits free radicals from disrupting the balance of new bone. Has a protective effect against UV skin damage. It is an inhibitor of cancer cell proliferation and assists in preventing degenerative disease.

Psyllium - Fiber that produces appetite, improves digestion, and cleanses the intestines. Every 100 grams of psyllium provides 71 grams of soluble fiber.  Psyllium is one of the simplest, healthiest, and most effective herbs for weight control. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition has shown psyllium to be effective in lowering cholesterol levels.

Licorice - Is used to treat ulcer symptoms, canker sores, and digestive problems, such as acid reflux and indigestion. As a weight loss aid, licorice may help reduce body fat.

Green Tea Leaves (EGCG) - Aids in improving skin, assists in weight loss, and is a known anti-cancer agent. It is also a potent anti-inflammatory assisting in reducing heart disease and bowel inflammation.

Chlorella - Having an abundance of chlorophyll, chlorella is used as an adjunct supplement in radiation treatments for cancer and is known to protect the body against ultraviolet radiation. More than 20 vitamins and minerals are found in chlorella, including phytonutrients called CGF that assist the immune system.

Wheatgrass - A powerful detoxifier high in chlorophyll and rich in superoxide dismutase, a potent antioxidant that protects DNA from free radical damage. Wheatgrass also helps oxygenate your blood and stimulate the thyroid gland.

Rice Bran - Rich in phytonutrients and dietary fibers. It helps in cholesterol reduction, combating cancer, alleviating menopausal and postmenopausal symptoms, and is a common anti-aging supplement.

Acerola - Traditionally, this fruit has been used to treat dysentery, diarrhea, and liver disorders. It is a rich source of Vitamin C, Vitamin D, minerals, protein, fiber, lipids, and fatty acids.

Brown Rice - Has a high selenium content that reduces the risk for developing cancer, heart disease, and arthritis. It contains the key ingredient, manganese, which benefits the nervous and reproductive systems. It's also abundant in antioxidants and high in fiber.

Barley Grass - An extremely alkaline nutrient containing 18 amino acids. It is a powerful antioxidant that is believed to help the body kill cancer cells and overcome a variety of ailments.